Plus lasagna gardens, tiger moms and unschooling yourself.

What’s Happening Wednesday: Parenting strategies

What do you think of using the idea of “maybe” as a way to help your children cope with uncertainty and stress? I must say that I use that word all. Day. Long. I rarely say no, but I say maybe all the time. Also, what do you think of using mindfulness to alter your mood?

And here are some tips for moving with young children. I hope they make it easier if you need them!

Have you heard of lasagna gardens? I’m new to the concept but we use compost and it seems pretty simple.

Studies show that kids of “tiger moms” are worse off.

Have you seen this ad for children in abusive homes? It’s rather ingenious; the only thing is, now that it’s all over the web, abusers are probably going to find out.

Save $10 at Toys R Us. Normally I run steals & deals on Saturdays, but this one expires Saturday, so use it quickly!

I really like this “Unschool Yourself!” piece by James Altucher. It brings up many of the reasons why we unschool. Also check out this wonderful interview, “Beyond Unschooling,” with Pat Farenga.

What do you think of this list of foods that people think are healthy but apparently may not be?

As if Lego wasn’t known for sexism in their recent sets of Legos for girls versus boys, they were also called out for freakin’ catcalling on their toys. The good news is that parents are fighting toy companies on their sexism; the bad news is that we have to in the first place.

As Goths invade Disneyland, all I can think of is… cool.

More kids were suspended from school for pointing pencils like they are guns. Sigh. And a teen mom was banned from her high school yearbook because she wanted to pose with her son in the picture.


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia