The thief is in custody, but the script is still missing.

The case of the missing 'Breaking Bad' script

Breaking Bad fans, watch out for potential big spoilers way before the final season of the show's return to AMC this summer. Why? Because some idiot decided to smash BB lead actor Bryan Cranston's car window in Albuquerque, New Mexico, (where Breaking Bad is filming). He made off with an iPad and Cranston's copy of a Breaking Bad script back in December. The alleged thief, Xavier McAfee, is now in custody charged with burglary, but the script is still missing.

Honestly if I didn't know better, I'd swear this is a brilliant viral marketing campaign - not that Breaking Bad's fifth and final season even needs one. But man, the circumstances surrounding this case seem rather freaky. Apparently, the suspect (McAfee) was caught because he was actually stupid enough to brag about the break in at a bar. "Hey look! I did something super illegal and OMG I have Bryan Cranston's iPad and a Breaking Bad script!" See? Stupid.

Someone who was nearby heard the whole thing, put in a quick call to a woman who works for Bryan Cranston and boom: Xavier McAfee is arrested. Had this dip wad kept his mouth shut, he'd probably still be free. Still, that pesky Breaking Bad script is still out there somewhere. You just know that someone will get hold of it and post details. And, if you're a fan eagerly awaiting the start of this next season, you're going to be furious when you accidentally read a spoiler.

I'm only in season one of Breaking Bad right now, but I figure I've got time to get caught up fully before this last ride. Given everything that everyone I know (seriously, I really think every single person I know watches this show) has told me, there are some major issues that will be resolved in these last BB episodes. Fellow fans, consider yourself duly warned - let's hope that if anyone does eventually come across this script and find out major spoilers, they keep their mouth shut.

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