Share your parenting book recommendations.

What are you reading?

Yesterday I picked out a huge armful of books at the library. This is the danger of arriving early to a program, folks! We were there for Ms. M’s wonderful songs, storytelling, crafts and even a visit from Z the therapy dog, but since we arrived early I had time to browse. So I brought home an armload of books. Here are these books plus the two I’m already reading from an interlibrary loan; what parenting books (or other books, for that matter) are you reading right now?

Peter Gray’s Free to Learn: It’s a must-read! Oh, I love this book. I’ll review it in full when I finish it.

Jennifer Hartstein’s Princess Recovery: I can’t wait to read this book about raising girls who want to be their own heroines.

Many Ways to Say I Love You by Fred Rogers. Need I say more? I think I checked this out when Wood Sprite was a baby but I want to read it again, for sure.

The Wise Child by Sonia Choquette: This one is supposed to be about nourishing your child’s intuition. I’m so excited about it!

Raiding Confident Girls by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer: The issue of confidence is such a big one with me because I’ve never been very confident, but I really want to help Wood Sprite find her confidence.

Free-Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy: I’ve been following Lenore’s blog for a while and while I don’t always agree with her, she has a lot of important things to say, many that are actually in line with Gray’s book, above.

The Mister Rogers Parenting Book by Fred Rogers: How did I not know this existed?!

And fiction: I’m reading George R.R. Martin’s third Song of Ice and Fire book, A Storm of Swords, and the second book in the Mara Dyer trilogy.

And of course you moms all know that when I say “reading,” I mean “sneaking into the bathroom in between working, science experiments and making lunch to steal three pages at a time.”

Photo courtesy of Sara S.