Here’s what a standard co-op day looks like for us.

A Day in the Life of an Unschooler: Co-Op Day

To be honest with you, every co-op day is different for us. We go to co-op classes on different days each week. Sometimes they are at a library, or someone’s home, or at a creek. We do attend a co-op group every other Friday at a church, however, and here’s what a day like that looks like:

7 AM. Everyone moseys around, packing lunch and getting ready for the day. Wood Sprite goes out to play, catches a praying mantis and makes it a habitat. We munch on breakfast—neither of us like to eat when we first get up—and I go back to work for a little while, while she goes back outide.

10 AM. We might have a field trip before co-op; this Friday, for example, we’re heading to a farm.

1 PM. Co-op time! We park at the church and Wood Sprite goes to her classes. This semester, she’s doing a robotics class, a book club and a speaking class. In the past, she’s had dinosaur, science, drama, and singing classes. We’ll snack in between classes, and her dad and I take turns volunteering at the co-op or going to class with her. Sometimes I also bring work with me.

4 PM. We might head to Cici’s to get dinner or head home to make it. Last co-op, we got milkshakes, went to the tool store, checked out the Halloween store and went to the tattoo studio. Wood Sprite really liked the studio and they let her draw some of their artwork in her journal.

What does a co-op day look for you and your family?

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia