Plus kids and gadgets and the Nourished Limit Summit

What’s Happening: IHE is hiring

If you’re a fan of the Institute for Humane Education, you might want to check out their positions available. A Director of Development position is open, as are several volunteer positions. If you aren’t familiar with the Institute, be sure to check the rest of the website out. They have dozens of great homeschooling resources, from book recommendations to lesson plans. If you have a peace-loving family who strives to be global citizens, this is the site for you.

A new study from UC Berkeley shows that children may be better than adults at figuring out new technological gadgets. This is probably no surprise to anyone who has children or is around them frequently, as they are also usually the first people to figure out child locks, gates and other gadgets, too!

2014 seems to be the Year of the Free Summit. There have been so many different webinar events that I haven’t even been able to keep up with them all. In fact, some of them just haven’t been very helpful to me this year while a few did give me some good, useable information. That said, a new event this month is opening up called the Nourished Limit Summit. It’s supposed to feature parenting professionals, wellness coaches and health professionals in a free environment to help people better manage their time and health, making them effective parents in the process. I’m going to give it a shot—it’s free, so why not? How about you? Click the link to sign up.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia