Starting your week off right
I am often asked about the parts I don’t like about both homeschooling and working alone, and the list is pretty brief. It’s mostly selfish stuff, like having time to myself once in a while. One thing that is challenging is delineating time. Every day is different, but that is a commonality; we don’t have to go to bed early Sunday to prepare for Monday morning, so it’s super easy to forget which day it is (even when we use a planner; I can tell you the day of the week, but I always forget the actual date!). We really go by my husband’s work schedule more than anything else.
We don’t put clothes out the day before anything, and we don’t pack lunches the day before, either (though we do often pack lunches for park days and co-op days). We do sometimes clean up the night before if we have an early morning event or play date, and of course we have things going on every day to get ready for, but there’s really no set methodology to our lifestyle. We do often begin our mornings by cuddling or howling when Wood Sprite comes to our room and gets me up if I’m not up already. If she’s sleeping in, I’ll work until she gets up. We almost never rush around, unless we have a bunch of things to do that day. Then the rushing still isn’t usually in the morning, but in between activities.
How do you start your week off on a good start? Do you have any rituals or routines that make things easier? I do have some nights of the week that I ask Wood Sprite to be in her room by 8:00 so I can work; she can stay up and do whatever she likes, but I absolutely must have some quiet time to write! She doesn’t mind this, though, and usually either draws or reads until she goes to sleep.
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