Parenting meme
A while back I posted a fun homeschooling/unschooling meme here at Progressive Parenting, Conscious Caregiving and I thought it would be fun to do another one for parents in general. I know we have a lot of readers who are not homeschooloers but still join in to find out more about crafts, freebies, online field trips and other topics I share each week, so I’d like to invite all parents to share in this meme. Like last time, I’ll post my questions here and my responses below in the comments. Please feel free to join in and do the same! As always, also feel free to skip anything you don’t want to answer.
How many kids do you have? Do you want more or do you have the perfect size for your family?
Do you have any pets?
What is your parenting philosophy? Or what are your parenting goals?
How do you feel about your child’s education? Do you homeschool, public school, private school or do something else—and do you supplement at home?
Does your family deal with food allergies, special needs or any other challenges?
What do you love most about being a parent? What is the most challenging part of the job?
What kind of cook or housekeeper are you and/or your partner? Do you run a tight ship or is mess-making the name of your game?
What do you do for fun or when you have a moment to yourself?
What are your hobbies and interests?
Share one of your favorite things—food, song, movie, passion, historical person, beverage, pet, whatever—and why you love it so much.
Photo courtesy of Sara S.