Don’t feel like leaving the house? Try one of these activities.

Lazy Sunday fun

I don’t know about you, but I like to have lazy, slow Sundays at my house. I do usually do some cleaning, but since Indy works on Sundays Wood Sprite and I often have Artzooka project days, read together, and just take it easy after a week of activities. Even without Girl Scouts and co-op for the summer, we still seem so busy—we do events at our libraries about three times per week, if not more, have 4H and gymnastics, and still have art club and field trips with our homeschool groups. So it’s nice to have a lazy day to do nothing—or whatever we want.

Here are some fun stay-at-home, lazy Sunday ideas for your family this week.

Make ice pops out of whatever you’ve got on hand—hibiscus green tea, orange juice, kool-aid, whatever!

Make tents out of blankets and pretend to be camping.

Make Rice Krispy treats—or if you have old bananas, make some banana bread.

Lay on your stomach and race cars around. Tape markers to the cars and make art on paper while you do it!

Get a giant box from Lowe’s (this takes frequent calls sometimes, or at least it does for us, to get them to reserve you one) and design your own cave. Glue magazine pages or draw art inside, and cut out windows.

Try face painting each other—or just paint your hands. Draw tattoos with washable markers, or try your hand at henna.

Chop up a bunch of fruit and see what you can make with it—from recipes to sculptures.

Make homemade slime and fling it on targets or each other!

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Read more on The Lazy Sunday fun blog: