Icy storms are moving in
A “brutal weather system” is moving in throughout most of the country this week. Please stay warm, stock up on food and take care of each other. We are staying home until Friday, when we are supposed to do some errands, but we may even skip those if there are still icy conditions, since we’ll probably get hit Friday. Checking on elderly neighbors is especially important during times like these.
Students First has an infographic that is supposed to make us all shudder with fear as it shows how are students are 26th from the top in mathematics—without humanizing our kids or even relaying any information on what this even means (test scores? Inventions? Problem solving?). I wish we were given actual context with information like this—and that we strived for a non-cookie cutter education all around.
Microsoft has designed a SmartBra to help women control their emotional eating. I kid you not. News on when an actually comfortable, good bra—not to mention reliable, safe universal birth control and other things that women need—will be available is… not available.
Do you think that going to school is the easy way to “do life,” with someone there to organize your every day?
Do you use a microwave in your home? Some crunchy parents don’t, and although we use one I ask Wood Sprite to stand away from it when it’s in use—and I leave it unplugged when we aren’t using it. (I do that with a lot of things!) Wellness Mama has compiled a bunch of issues to consider regarding microwave use.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia