Today I must say goodbye to all of our friends here at Progressive Parenting, Conscious Caregiving. It has been so much fun sharing and exchanging support with everyone and I will always remember this blog very fondly. I will miss connecting with you each week, sharing news stories and resources and serving as your online homeschooling and unschooling hub.
The blog will no longer be updated, but I hope you will visit us at my blog from time to time. Normally I don’t write a lot of personal blogs there—I tend to just list the items I write for work, when possible—but since I won’t be posting our adventures here anymore, I may just write them there. I know Wood Sprite’s various projects (and their photos!) have been some of our most popular subjects, so I’ll try to share some of those as well.
In terms of other homeschooling and unschooling blogs, I highly recommend all of the resources to the left of the page. I’ve selected all of these from my own blog reader and can vouch for them all being interesting and relevant blogs (though I don’t endorse every single thing that everyone says, of course). I’ve often shared from these blogs in my own writing, so you’ll be sure to stay in the loop if you add them to your reader as well.
I wish you well in your parenting and homeschooling journey! Remember that everyone’s path is different and that yours will likely change over time. Don’t let that worry you; let it be a sign that it’s working, because without change there can be no growth. Trust yourselves and trust your children, and enjoy your time together.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia