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klaT | Talk
Spinning: What to do with locks of fleece
So curly and tempting!
Spinning singles to knit, versus to ply
Planning ahead for a specific result
Spinning with rolags vs "fauxlags"
Is there a difference? Why does it matter? And what are they good for?
Spinners, have you ever processed a raw fleece?
Baa baa greasy sheep
Navajo ply-on-the-fly: Whoa!
Do you have the spinning skills for this?
Energized singles: Yarn that's (too?) full of life
Some people want them…some don't!
Better know a fiber: Rambouillet
Also known as the "French Merino."
Navajo plying: An excellent technique for your spinning toolkit
The results are well worth the extra work.
How to finish your newly spun yarn
It's spun and plied… now what?
Yarn management with your drop spindle
The best way to wind your cop, and why.