Making sure your backpack isn’t too heavy
OK, OK, this should be an easy one, right? Board shorts? Check. Towel? Check. Sunscreen in a small enough container so that I don’t get a full cavity search going through customs? Check. While the packing list for a nice trip abroad sounds easy, the fact is, if you are going to be hitting the road for more than a few weeks, some strategic planning is necessary. Some items are obvious, but there are a few things that the veterans of the game know to bring. Here are a list of items that can go a long way in almost all travel situations.
Ziploc bags: You know what smells? You, after wearing the same clothes and not having access to the regular western showers your body is used to. With that being said, there is no reason to spread the stink from one item of clothing to another. While all your clothes will inevitably stink at some point, keeping your very stinky or wet clothes separate from the rest of the pack is easy if you have a few jumbo-sized Ziploc bags.
Warm Clothes: It doesn't matter if you are going to the warmest place on earth, you are going to want something more than shorts and a tank top at some point in your trip. Be it after getting stuck in a monsoon and having no hot water to warm up, or after deciding to go on an impromptu trekking extravaganza, warm clothes help. This doesn't mean throw in your heaviest winter jacket, but some lightweight, easy-to-pack gear is essential.
Head lamp: Sure, you may look like a big dork with a headlamp on your head while you aren't 30M underground, but they are actually helpful. Power isn't always consistent and lots of times having a small, individual light can be courteous to your travel partners or roomies somewhere along the way. If worst comes to worst, it can save you from getting out of bed to turn off the light if the switch is far from the headboard.
Socks and underwear: No explanation necessary here. Bring plenty of this stuff, or else you are going to be smelly and miserable!
Photo courtesy of Terry Bullard