Budget backpacking: The places, the people and all the things in between

Travel has become more than a recreational hobby. Travel, in fact, has become a lifestyle. While many think of travel as a way to escape reality for a short amount of time, others see exploring the world as their reality.

The passionate ones find no greater pleasure than strapping on a backpack filled with only the bare essentials, and going to explore the great beyond. While some call it bizarre, others find it the only way to live.

For those who find travel as a way of life, or are interested in what makes those crazy travellers tick, this is the blog for you. Wide-eyed and wandering focuses on budget backpacking in its modern form.

From exploring beautiful places to meeting interesting people, this blog explains it all, including all that occurs between the plane, train, and boat rides from place to place. Be warned though, not all the stories and destinations are for the faint of heart. On that same note, not all destinations or activities are geared for the hardcore traveller.

Travelling is about being free and seeing the world through a new perspective. If you want to learn about other cultures, gain different frames of reference, and hear a good story or two, look no further than the posts that follow.

Posts in this blog:

Experiencing a scooter crash in Bali
Posted on: 06/01/13
Overwhelmed by abundance in Ubud
Posted on: 06/01/13
Visiting traditional villages in Bajawa in Flores, Indonesia
Posted on: 05/31/13
Lessons learned from time spent in country
Posted on: 05/30/13
While all backpackers should become runners
Posted on: 05/30/13
Less romantic ways to travel on a budget
Posted on: 05/29/13
The necessity of using water purification while abroad
Posted on: 05/29/13
Two great breweries on the road from Brisbane to Sydney
Posted on: 05/29/13
Taking a day trip to Cunca Rami Waterfall in Labuan Bajo.
Posted on: 05/25/13
Posted on: 05/25/13
Learning some of the negative aspects of Flores culture.
Posted on: 05/25/13
Simple tips to keep traveling fun.
Posted on: 05/24/13
How less than 100km turned into seven hours on a bus.
Posted on: 05/22/13
Things that exist everywhere outside of the Western world.
Posted on: 05/21/13
The mess that is the Ende Harbor at Flores Island.
Posted on: 05/21/13
What it feels like to be followed by "paparazzi."
Posted on: 05/21/13
The place to visit for inspiration, guidance and tales for travel enthusiasts.
Posted on: 05/10/13
The hawkers of Senggigi.
Posted on: 05/10/13
Best practices for leaving a travel partner or group.
Posted on: 05/09/13
Treating your travel like a startup business.
Posted on: 05/09/13
Essential items for long-term travel.
Posted on: 05/09/13
Backpackers and the ridiculous idea of trekking.
Posted on: 05/08/13
A few of the best restaurants for cheap prices and good eats.
Posted on: 05/03/13
Dealing with questions of race from people while abroad.
Posted on: 05/02/13
Why Kuta Lombok is way more awesome than Kuta Bali.
Posted on: 05/02/13
Sometimes you just gotta splurge.
Posted on: 05/01/13
You never know what you’re gonna get, but you’re gonna like it.
Posted on: 04/30/13
Don't use Wicked Campers when road tripping around Australia.
Posted on: 04/30/13
Surfing at Gerupuk in Lombok.
Posted on: 04/27/13
Three great ways to spend less than $30 in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia.
Posted on: 04/25/13
