When it’s time to go
There is a little voice inside everyone that helps direct those with trained ears down a distinct path. While some may refer to this as a conscience, others feel as if it is a direct medium to the divine. The voice isn't loud, and often times, it even sounds similar to the familiar tones orated by your own lips. It speaks at different times during the day, and if you don’t learn to listen, it begins to fade away. The path is believed by those who listen to be the gateway to their calling. The internal voice helps them not to stray. Sometimes, though, this voice asks us to do things we may not think we are ready to do.
It isn't always easy to come to grips with change, but for those of us who have done it, we realize its immense value. When change is on the ready, it is hard to not give in to its desires. One of the biggest changes humans can face is that of relocation. It may involve a short trip that lasts a few weeks or months, or sometimes a permanent move. Regardless, when you start to feel the draw, it is something you must succumb too.
It starts out with a feeling of comfort that, in fact, feels too comfortable. The things that surround you, that used to bring your pleasure, start to feel closer to shackles. Certain tasks become robotic and the day-to-day grind becomes the most mundane existence anyone could imagine. Unlike other stimulants, overexposure to this only makes its effects stronger. The feelings of confinement become all too apparent, until one day, you realize your only solution is change.
For those of us who have been driven to change, we know what it feels like. Initial discomfort, fear, maybe even anger. These feelings, though, subside with time, and with a profound realization. Change may be scary, but if your internal voice is calling for it, it is quite necessary.
Photo courtesy of Future Knowledge