The debate on whether the DPRK is ready to launch nukes rages on.

This week in North Korea: Nuclear yes or no?

The latest talk from the North Korean front says that they may indeed be ready to put some nuclear weapons into the air. This comes via a recent U.S. intelligence report, but many people are in doubt as to its accuracy. There is still a vast majority that believes the DPRK is all talk and bluster.  But will this new report begin to shift belief in the other direction?

The intelligence report confirms that North Korea has sufficient levels of technology to both create a nuclear warhead and put it on a ballistic missile capable of launching.  Whether that missile would be capable of hitting its target, however, is another story.  According to the report, there is “moderate confidence” that the DPRK is nuclear capable.

On the other side of the argument, many U.S. officials as well as South Korean officials say that North Korea’s yelling and threatening is just another round of BS.  Despite the report, they do not think that the DPRK can strike the U.S., though its ability to strike closer neighbors is more questionable.  Regardless, the U.S. has moved more missile defense into the region, which is probably for the best, either way.

I have to question whether this report and its timely mention within the U.S. government (and subsequent announcement to the populace) is an attempt at proper evaluation or just a piece of propaganda meant to drum up more support for action against North Korea.  By making people tense regarding the rogue state’s nuclear capability, those in favor of a preemptive strike (IE: the nice way of saying we’re declaring war on someone) can gather more support among the U.S. citizenry, the government and our allies. Thus, action against North Korea can meet with less resistance should it be needed.

There is still the issue of China becoming involved in any conflict, which would prove disastrous if they take sides with North Korea, but even they are growing tired of the DPRK’s bad habits.  They’re certainly not pro-war, but they have given the country a berating for their warlike attitude.  And, if this video report can be trusted, North Korea is reacting to that by conducting military exercises on the Chinese border.  Not exactly the smartest move.

So, is the chorus of U.S. officials saying that the DPRK is nuclear capable a warning of things to come, or just a bit of propaganda?  And if they’re so ready to go to war, why are they still planning yet another missile test?

Missile Launch graphic courtesy of