The technology of books
Books are one technological innovation that has been around for quite some time and remained relatively unchanged for all those hundreds of years. At least until the last decade or so. With the rise of eBooks, we may be looking at an evolution in this literary medium that will change the way we read for the rest of time. Many (including myself) prefer the organic feel of a paper and ink book and would avoid eBooks altogether if we could, but the simple fact of it is that eBooks provide more opportunities for writers, publishers and readers alike.
As a fiction writer who is currently half-way through his first novel, the idea that I’ll have to approach a dozen or more publishing companies with no guarantee that my story will ever see print is not a reassuring one. For this reason, I am choosing to use eBooks to publish. With this format, I will be able to ensure that my story is published and distributed on a global scale. Whether people read it or not is another story, but at least it doesn't sit around collecting dust, as so many creative works have throughout time. Not to mention that, while I will not have the benefits of an editor, I will be able to publish the book exactly how I envision it.
As for publishers, the electronic book is a dream come true. According to this article, companies are eager to get people hooked on eBooks and are all-too-willing to help promote authors they think have what it takes to sell. In addition, publishing eBooks is cheaper and easier since there’s no product to manufacture or ship.
And finally, the eBook is easier on the readers. Since there’s no physical object, they’re cheaper to buy. In fact, many eBooks can be found that cost nothing at all or that cost only a few dollars. Promotions of certain titles can give readers a chance to pick up more for free. They’re also incredibly lightweight, since all you need is one reader and you can carry a virtual library with you at all times. In addition, authors of series can, to keep their fans happy, publish cheap or free side-stories, allowing readers to get their “fix” of a series while the author finishes the next installment.
The number of different sites dedicated to eBooks continues to grow, making it easier for authors to find a home for their books as well as presenting readers with a seemingly endless number of titles in every genre imaginable. This list shows just a few places were one can go to publish an eBook. God bless this new technology. I am secure in the knowledge that when my novel is finally finished, it will have a home and an audience in the electronic world.
Kindle photo courtesy of Tsgreer via Wikicommons