The longest Hearthstone turn just ended
Most people enjoy Hearthstone because it moves along quickly. Not Hearthstone steamer Mamytwink, who was determined to clock the longest Hearthstone turn ever. And at over 40 hours, I believe they have succeeded!
Most Hearthstone turns only take 90 seconds. However, if a card's animation continues to run, the turn will hang on that player until the animation is finished. Mamytwink used this to his advantage. First he loaded his hand with Arcane Missile, which fires three slow missiles per card. He then added 206 Velen's Chosen cards, each of which increased the number of missiles by 1. Then he dropped seven copies of Prophet Velen on the board.
The end result was that each of his cards shot out 26,752 slow-moving missiles, one at a time. The result took about 240,000 missiles and lasted 40 hours. I have to say, I am impressed!
Image courtesy Flickr/Sergey Galyonkin