Which programs got renewed for next season?

The CW makes decisions on major shows

'Tis the season for cancellations, sadly, and several fans of some huge CW shows can now exhale. The network has announced that several notable series' will return next season, though some are still on the bubble, so to speak. We already knew that Arrow was renewed (and rightly so), and The Vampire Diaries' return is an absolute no brainer, but I was a bit concerned about a couple of my favorites, Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast.

Without further adieu, let's get right to it: The CW has renewed both Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast, so if you were rooting for these shows to return, take a breath right this minute. I'll be honest, I thought BATB would be back, but I really wasn't sure about Hart of Dixie. The ratings are just okay, and the show doesn't seem to have the huge buzz that some other CW programs have.

The Hollywood Reporter offers a bit of insight as to why Hart of Dixie is returning: Apparently, it's doing really, really well on Hulu. So there's our answer. Look, I get that Hart isn't exactly Emmy Award-winning material, but it's wicked fun and well, I'm Southern. I know these characters. Note that I said I know them, not necessarily that I like them - but still.

Now, let's take a second to discuss The Originals, shall we? This is The Vampire Diaries' spinoff starring the always dastardly (and really cute) Original vampire Klaus. On Thursday, TVD was almost entirely about setting up The Originals, with Klaus and co. heading to New Orleans. Personally, I have long believed that Klaus was the single most interesting character on The Vampire Diaries, and I couldn't be happier with the decision to give him his own show. So far, so good. Oh, and the CW has officially picked up The Originals as a series for next season.

At this point, the CW still hasn't decided the fate of two shows: Nikita and The Carrie Diaries. I know Nikita's been on the bubble in years past, but it always squeaked through. Will that happen again? Stay tuned. As for The Carrie Diaries, I personally don't like it, so I could care less what happens.

Any CW fans care to weigh in on these latest decisions? Should Nikita get another season? Do you totally hate Hart of Dixie and/or The Vampire Diaries? Let's hear what you guys think in the comments!

Photo courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter