When the enjoyment of movies goes just a bit over the sanity line.

The curiosities of the movie industry

This week I bring you some interesting news from the movie world, some of it barely believable.  With all things in Hollywood, there comes a point where someone is either trying way too hard to capitalize or where their love of something takes it over the edge of what seems sane.  This last month has been especially ripe with these sorts of events.  Namely, the arrival of a university-level class on none-other-than Batman and the invention of a new type of movie experience, complete with smell.

The first of these two wonders is taking place at the University of Victoria in Canada.  They’ve decided to offer a course there called the Science of Batman.  It’s not actually a science class, however, but run by the physical education department.  So what does one learn in Batman class?

By using Batman as their primary example, they hope to teach about the physical capabilities and adaptability of the human body.  Subjects consist of human potential, Batman as the ultimate physical specimen, exploration of the human body as it adapts to injury and exercise and how far the human mind and body can be pushed.  It almost sounds legit.  Aside from the Batman part of course.  Who knows?  Maybe the U of V is just hurting for enrollment in their Phys-Ed department.  Or perhaps adding Batman to the title of something will encourage more people to take an interest and see exercise and the human body as a worthwhile subject to pursue.  Lord knows that some geeks could use a little more exercise.

The next wacky bit of news is about the arrival of the first 4DX theater.  No, the fourth dimension does not mean you will be travelling through time while watching your film.  It means that some people, thinking that they need to compete with 3D (and the rise of Internet piracy killing ticket sales), have developed a movie theater that adds all sorts of sensory experience to your entertainment.

The first of these 4D theaters (there are plans for more…) just opened in Nagoya, Japan.  The additional “D” includes moving seats, humidity changes, smells, lighting and wind effects and even… bubbles?  And the first movie to get this new treatment will be Iron Man 3.  Let’s hope that’s a movie that smells nice.  As this list points out, being able to smell your movie may not be the best thing to help you enjoy the experience.

So they may be odd and they may end up being short-lived, but they are certainly here for today.  If you feel like learning more about Batman’s body, head to Canada.  And if you want to get motion sickness, check out 4DX in Japan.  Me, I’ll just stick to normal films, thanks.

Batman cosplay photo courtesy of Ryan Johnson