Episode 5 - I think I am actually beginning to like this show

Review: The White Queen ‘War at First Hand’

When last we left off, things didn’t look so good for Elizabeth and Edward.  Even though there was now a male heir to the throne, Edward’s army was on the run and old, crazy King Henry was back on the throne.  Warwick, of course, was behind it all, being that all he wants is power and doesn’t care who gives it to him.  And Margaret was happy that her little Henry was now so important.  Of course, this show tends to flip and flop with each episode, so it’s not long before everything turns about again.

Edward’s army is out and about and his brother George has abandoned dear Uncle Warwick to join him.  So out Warwick goes with his own army.  Meanwhile Margaret of Anjou sets sail from France with yet another army and seeks to join up to help defeat Edward and his allies.  But Edward moves quick, first defeating (and killing!) Warwick and then moving on to chase down the French queen and finish off his last enemy.

Now that power is secured, the biggest problem appears to be with Elizabeth.  She doesn’t want to forgive George for what happened to her father and brother and so makes plans (and uses her witchcraft) to ensure that she gets revenge.  And in the end, Edward decides to do what he should have probably done a long time ago - kill old King Henry in his bed so that there remains no more challenge to the throne.  Of course, Margaret’s little Henry is still out there and has by now dedicated himself to his mother’s idea of his greatness.

I don’t know the proper history of this conflict, but it seems like young Anne (Warwick’s daughter) is becoming increasingly important to the story.   I am interested to see how she pans out.  The show is getting better and better, now that they can follow the characters and jump through time less.  There still are the many leaps and bounds, but at least I am not longer lost in trying to keep up.  I do find it interesting that both Edward and Elizabeth seem to be falling into the background though.

All-in-all, not a bad episode for a show that started out rather weak.  I am looking forward to next week’s episode, ‘Love and Marriage’.  For a sneak peek at that one, head over to this site.

Photo Credits -           

White Queen courtesy of veehd.com