Episode 7 - One more plot overturned even as another grows

Review: The White Queen ‘Poison and Malmsey Wine’

Last time around on The White Queen, things looked to be getting better, at least for a time.  Edward had no true enemies left to worry about, Anne and Richard got together and made themselves a nice little family and only Margaret has any designs on the throne anymore, but she happens to be cozying up to Elizabeth.  This week, we see a bit of betrayal and allies where we least expect them.

This week’s episode picks up some time later, about a year or so beyond the last.  Edward is sinking into decadence, Elizabeth is giving birth to yet another child and Anne and Richard have their own son.  Margaret is having issues getting close enough to the Queen to truly make any political maneuvering, but that changes rapidly when she “saves” the Queen’s still-born son.

Edward, at the urging of his brother George, decides he’s going to invade France, but that dream is short-lived.  Their armies arrive, but Louis sues for peace and the whole thing stops short of war.  This makes George rather unhappy, as he had plans to rule France and eventually take the English crown as well.  And so the infighting begins and George commences to seriously plot against his brothers.

In an effort to defame Elizabeth, George begins accusing her of witchcraft, even going so far as to poison his own wife and blame it on her.  Of course, he immediately seeks to marry another influential lady and thus gives away his position.  Edward finds out about a deal that George made with France to betray England and eventually this leads to accusations of treason and his execution.

Meanwhile, Margaret becomes Elizabeth’s go-to where it comes to court gossip.  Thus, this once crazy lady ends up learning all about the ins-and-outs of what’s happening.  Though her plans to get her son on the throne are still a long shot, she is making steady progress in the halls of power.

The large passage of time left this one more confusing than it has been lately, as there was a bit too much to keep up with, even if it did concentrate on just one major subject.  I have to say that I’m liking Margaret’s character a lot more now that she’s less crazy.  The relationship between her and Elizabeth is becoming more complex and it almost seems like they would be better allies than enemies if circumstances were different.  I’m looking forward to seeing where this leads in the last few episodes.

Next week, a big problem for Elizabeth in the aptly title ‘The King is Dead’.  Check out a clip from it at this site here.

Photo Credits -           

Poison and Malmsey Wine courtesy of bbc.co.uk