Season 2, Episode 4 - Graham makes his first moves and Hannibal attempts to counter

Review: Hannibal ‘Takiawase’

It’s finally gotten to the point on Hannibal when the two brains - Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham - have begun to move their pieces around the chess board. And while Hannibal seems fairly content that he’s in control of the situation, after the events of ‘Takiawase’, it becomes evident to the audience (and possibly to Hannibal himself) that Graham has quite a few tricks up his sleeve.

There are a few storylines flowing throughout this week’s episode. We have the usual serial killer thing going on, this time a crazy lady that wants to plant bees in people’s heads, though that one doesn’t really go anywhere (yet?). We also have Beverly Katz looking deeper into the mural killer. And, despite Graham telling her to stay away from Hannibal, she seeks out his advice in the matter. This, of course, gives Hannibal a heads-up on how Graham is using her and leads to some rather unfortunate consequences.

We also have Graham petitioning the rather unscrupulous Dr. Chilton to keep Hannibal away from him while acting as Will’s one-and-only psychiatrist. Graham is hoping to get more of his memories back and Chilton wants to be the guy to crack Will’s head and get famous for it, so the arrangement works out nicely. But Chilton confronts Hannibal and tells him that he’s no longer welcome. He also makes it plain that he knows that Hannibal was using some questionable methods when treating Will. Whether Hannibal will decide this reasoning is troublesome enough to warrant Chilton’s death in the near future remains to be seen.

And then there’s Jack Crawford’s wife. She’s decided that she wants to commit suicide rather than slowly waste away from cancer. So she tells Hannibal. At first, the doctor almost seems to encourage her actions. But when she shows up at his office filled with an overdose of morphine, Hannibal ends up saving her. Why does he do this? His actions seem almost random (he flips a coin before actually committing), though it’s also possible that he sees this as a way to gain Crawford’s trust. At this point, it’s really hard to say what sort of repercussions this action will have on the rest of the show.

Now that Graham is beginning to reveal his hand, we have to wonder what Hannibal will do. It looks pretty solid that Katz is now part of Hannibal’s pantry, so that’s one less ally. At the same time, that’s going to bring the investigation closer to home. When one of the FBI’s finest goes missing, they don’t just write it off. Once Graham reveals to someone that he warned Katz against Hannibal, the pieces will begin to fall into place.

So what’s Hannibal to do? With each killing, he’s boxing himself in more and more. He’s been protecting Graham to some extent, but it may become essential that he try to remove his “friend” in hopes that the investigations will go away. He may also have to get rid of Chilton, though that would draw even more scrutiny. We are watching the house of cards crumble, though who will come out of this conflict alive is up in the air.

Once again, the show proves how amazing it is. Next week should be interesting as well, with the supposed killer of the bailiff and judge coming out of the shadows and trying to court Graham. Of course, is he acting on his own or did Hannibal have a hand in pushing him? Check out the preview for ‘Mukozuke’ at this site.

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