Season 8, Episode 9 - A slow episode, it’s obvious they’re setting up for the final three

Review: Dexter ‘Make Your Own Kind of Music’

On last week’s episode of Dexter, Hannah and Dex are picking up where they left off, even though there are people hot on her trail and ready to bust her.  Zach ended up dead, an announcement by the Brain Surgeon that he is back in business.  And Deb is, of course, a bit confounded by everything that Dex has been doing as of late, albeit she doesn’t seem to really care that much anymore.

This week, Dex and Hannah are agreed that they want to make a life together, to get out of Miami and start anew.  Vogel doesn’t seem to like that idea, but by the end of the episode she doesn’t care that much about Dex’s personal life anymore (no spoilers!).  They’re both trying to deal with the dead Zach situation and track down the Brain Surgeon.  But low and behold, when Dex does find the guy, he happens to be related to the dear Doctor and now she’s not so sure she wants him dead.

Deb has given up on the whole Hannah situation (heck, they even have a little bonding moment together), though she is thinking of returning to the police force.  In the meanwhile, her boss is after the fat pile of money that Hannah is worth.  So in come some feds to look a little closer and Dex is painting himself into a corner with the lies he presents as ways out of the investigation.  Combined with Quinn still trying to investigate Zach, there are quite a few people that may end up honing in on Dexter or Vogel.

The way the episode panned out was a little clumsy, but the whole 52 minutes was an obvious set-up for the final three episodes.  Hannah and Dex may or may not escape and live happily ever after.  Vogel and her newfound kin may or may not end up getting put on Dex’s table.  How it pans out remains to be seen, but I’m already smelling a whole lot of bodies piling up in the near future.

While there will be no Dexter next Sunday due to Labor Day or something like that, here is at least a preview for episode 10, ‘Goodbye Miami’, at this site.

Photo Credits -           

Vogel and Son courtesy of