More Venture Bros., more old Doctor Who, more Star Trek (?) and Michael Bay’s horrible life

Media Hijinks - TV Shows, Old and New


First and foremost, it looks like the creators of Venture Bros. are not done quite yet.  Though season 5 was short and perhaps took a BIT too long to get to us, they’ve jumped back into the shark tank and even have a date for us - January of 2015.  Yup, that’s almost a year-and-a-half since season 5.  Once again, we shall be forced to wait.  And once again, we shall do it willingly if not happily.

Second up, some of you may have already heard, but some of the infamously missing Doctor Who episodes of the past have recently turned up.  Yes, we will actually get the chance to watch episodes of the show that haven’t been seen since they aired (or perhaps during a rerun), which is pretty damn exciting for big Who fans.  Currently they’ve only released nine episodes, all comprising two storylines from Patrick Troughton’s era, but that’s still cool.  For more info on the subject and how to watch the no-longer-missing episodes, head to this site.

Thirdly, it seems as if all that talk of Star Trek getting a new television series may not be completely unfounded.  Although J.J. Abrams said that CBS gave him the middle finger when he brought it up, Roberto Orci (producer and co-writer of the new films) tried his hand at it and CBS may actually be considering another go.  With the popularity that the new flicks are bringing back to the Star Trek franchise name, it seems to me like the smart move.  Get together some good writers, an amazing cast and put something together that people will love - instant recipe for another 30 years of Star Trek fanboy love (and huge piles of cash, of course).

And finally, a true horror story.  It looks like MichaelBay may be trying his hand at making a horror flick.  Now, before you say “WTF?”, realize first that he already has his hands in all sorts of horror films.  His production company, Platinum Dunes has been responsible for such horrible mistakes as the Halloween reboot, the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot and the Friday the 13th reboot.  Yeah, all Bay seems to know how to do is pillage other people’s ideas.  And even if he does come up with something unique, I just can’t see Bay’s signature “everything explodes” plus “no plot” style creating anything worthy of more than a SyFy Original.  Of course, with all the money he has, we’ll hear all about it if he actually decides to go through with it.  Sigh…

So until next week, don’t try to lick the lightsaber - it’s not fruit flavored.

Photo Credits -

Patrick Troughton courtesy of