‘Man of Steel 2’ timetables, another horrible reboot and XBox One relents

Media Hijinks - Superman Success, Ghosts and the Console Shuffle

Even if you haven’t taken some time out of your week to go down to the theater and see the latest giant super hero hit, Man of Steel, you’ve probably heard more than enough about it.  Critics and audiences are butting heads on whether this is a great film or one of the worst.  Whatever its quality, however, the thing sure as heck made millions of dollars.  Warner Bros. already greenlit a sequel the moment the flick opened, along with approving a Justice League movie so that they could take a shot at the DC team dollars as well.  Now, with the great success of Man of Steel, there’s a rumor flying about that they’ve gotten very ambitious with their production dates.

If the sources are to be believed, WB wants to get Man of Steel 2 into theaters sometime next year and then follow it in 2015 with Justice League.  This is, of course, bordering on insanity.  The sheer amount of time it takes to get a movie completed from start to finish means that they’d need to have everyone on stand-by and ready to shoot in a matter of weeks.  More likely this is just more Internet rumor, though I wouldn’t put it past WB to try for a still-ambitious release date of 2015 for the next Man of Steel.  They’re just starting their foray into the super hero world (at least with a shared DC universe) and they’d better put some speed in their step or Marvel will leave them even further behind than they already are.

The next bit of news concerns yet another reboot in the works.  As it turns out, Poltergeist is on the list of movies to make more money from.  It seems that this idea has actually been in development for several years now as well, falling off the radar because of production delays.  While I don’t think they can come close to the creepy flick that was the original Poltergeist, they do have Sam Raimi involved, so it might be interesting to see what comes of it.  For more info. on how the project is going, you can check this link out here.

And finally, some of the best news ever for those that were mourning the fact that they wouldn’t be able to buy themselves an XBox One because of all the stupid crap that Microsoft was trying to pull concerning DRM and used game licensing.  It turns out that Microsoft didn’t like being bombarded with mass amounts of hatred from their fans and decided to scrap all their constricting policies.  No longer will XBox One owners be expected to check in with Big Brother every 24 hours and games can be exchanged, sold and rebought as usual.  Of course, this was a move of desperation, as if they didn’t about-face on the subject, PS4 would have buried them.  I may not respect Microsoft much for what they tried to pull (and how they tried to make it seem as if their backtracking was due to customers’ lack of vision), but at least I now have a valid choice between two systems once the new consoles are out.

Justice League courtesy of collider.com