‘Guardians’ gets a trailer, ‘Dr. Strange’ begins recruiting, ‘Fantastic Four’ gets a cast and Batman gets a new batsuit

Media Hijinks - Super Heroes Galore

First and foremost, the biggest news of this week in the world of super hero movies is, by far, the long-awaited release of the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. Most out there have probably already seen it and, in my opinion, it’s looking pretty great. I’ve been a hater when it comes to the goofy crap that Marvel is constantly throwing into its serious movies, but Guardians looks like good, ridiculous fun. I’ve not been excited for a Marvel movie in a while. Further, they’ve been releasing some little extras on the Internet, including the official poster and a few clips that focus on the main characters of Guardians. If you haven’t had a chance to see those yet, you can head to this site and check them out.

Next up, the best news ever! Okay, it’s more like the precursor to the best news ever. Dr. Strange is one of Marvel’s “Phase 3” projects and, if rumors are to be believed, they’re aiming to take the titular character and use him to replace the role that Robert Downey Jr. has as their flagship actor. Thus, they need someone ready to commit and with a presence and charm that will blow people away. So far, a few rumors have surfaced around Dr. Strange as it gets into its first phase of development. First, they appear to be looking at Nikolaj Arcel as a potential director. If you haven’t seen A Royal Affair, I highly recommend it. Arcel is absolutely amazing when it comes to character development. Also, Mads Mikkelsen is in it.

And speaking of Mads - there’s another rumor flying around that Marvel is looking at him to take on the role of Dr. Strange. The combination of Arcel and Mikkelsen leaves me positively speechless. This would be a super hero movie on a scale untouched thus far. Of course, would either one of them be willing to commit to what could potentially be a decade-long string of movies? Then again, it’s only a rumor, so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Thirdly, the Fantastic Four reboot now officially has a cast! And, naturally, the Internet people are not pleased. Honestly, I have no idea who any of these people are, so I’m not going to even try to go into further detail. Aside from Michael B. Jordan as The Human Torch (a rumor that has been around for months), the rest are a complete mystery. If you want to see who they are and make your own judgments, head to this site.

And last but not least, WB/DC is looking to tease us further about the 2016 Superman vs. Batman movie by showing us the new batsuit. Though the exact date of when said reveal will take place is still being shuffled about (they said March and now they’re saying it may take longer), it’s likely we’ll have a picture of it before summer arrives. There is also a rumor that the new Wonder Woman outfit will be revealed along with it. I’m pretty excited to see what they put together this time around. If the other, other rumors are true, they’re going with classic grey. Hopefully, they’ll remember to leave off the bat-nipples.

Thanks for reading and, until next time, remember to never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

Photo Credits -

Dr. Strange courtesy of digitaltrends.com