The little good news from SDCC, another useless reboot, Neil Gaiman makes a video game

Media Hijinks - SDCC, Reboots and Cool Video Games

Well, the almighty San Diego Comic Con is finally over and… well, not much came out of it in my opinion.  There was one bit of amazing news, however.  It looks like Man of Steel is getting a sequel.  Wait a minute… that’s not news at all.  But what is new about the coming sequel is the announcement that it will feature Batman!  It’s going to be a Batman vs. Superman story based loosely off of Frank Miller’s critically acclaimed The Dark Knight Returns.  Who will they get to play the new Batman?  That little bit of information is still to be determined, but with a 2015 summer release date set (competing with Avengers 2, no less), they’ll be casting ASAP.

Other news from SDCC was, unfortunately, quite bland aside from the trailers I posted last week.  Oh well, there’s always next year.

Next up on my list, another useless bloody reboot.  This time around, The Butterfly Effect will be exploited for more money-making potential.  Some of us actually liked the old Ashton Kutcher-starring flick, despite its critically atrocious rating of 33/78% over at Rotten Tomatoes.  Not to mention that the damn thing came out less than 10 years ago.  Super hero movies, sure, I can see the need to reboot them when new casting has to be done.  But this?  Seriously?  Does Hollywood know no shame?

And finally, one of the best pieces of new I’ve ever had the pleasure of reporting on.  Neil Gaiman, the amazing writer behind such works as Sandman, American Gods and Coraline is getting the chance to bring his creative talents to the world of video games.  Partnering up with The Odd Gentlemen, Gaiman’s game is titled Wayward Manor and lets players take on the role of a disgruntled ghost with an objective of trying to get unpleasant new tenants to leave him in piece.  For a look at Gaiman speaking a bit about Wayward Manor (as well as a sneak peek of the art design), check out the link below.  You can also head over to the official website if you feel like pre-ordering the game.

Neil Gaiman Presents: Wayward Manor

Photo Credits -

Gaiman picture courtesy of

Video Credits -

Wayward Manor teaser courtesy of MoonsharkMobile via YouTube