A return to ‘The Addams Family’, ‘Pet Sematary’ and ‘Game of Thrones’

Media Hijinks - MORE Reboots and… Porn

Well, this week has a little bit of interesting news, starting with the fact that fans of The Addams Family will get a chance to enjoy their beloved friends once again.  We’ve already seen a couple of movies come out of this old property, but this time around it will be animation that brings them to us.  So far they have Pamela Pettler (Monster House, Corpse Bride) working on the script, but the project is in way early development, so little else is known.  I can only hope that they do better than that last live-action movie, or The Addams Family name may never recover.

Next up, it looks like Stephen King just can’t stop making money off of things that he did decades ago.  Carrie was just rebooted and now someone wants to jump on the gravy train to recycle another one of his books-turned-film - Pet Sematary.  As far as I can recall, the original version of this film wasn’t too bad and followed the book pretty well.  I just don’t see what they can do with it to generate enough interest to make it profitable.  The only thing that it may have going for it is the potential involvement of Juan Carlo Fresnadillo, AKA the guy that directed 28 Days Later.  Of course, I can’t recall seeing anything that he’s done lately, so let’s just hope he still has the juice in him.  On a related note, they’re also remaking The Stand and It.  Yes, King, you have all the money now.

And finally, a bit of news that will have a special place in the hearts of Game of Thrones fans.  It was bound to happen, it could not be avoided forever and now it is here - Game of Bones.  Yup, a GoT-inspired porn flick is available to all that might want it.  Of course, the series is already pretty porny, but these good folks had the decency to get rid of all that annoying plot and storyline and just let things fall where they may.  To check out a (safe for work) trailer for Game of Bones, you can head to this site.

Well, that’s it for now folks.  Until next week, keep yourself occupied by meditating on the gruesome and untimely death of Jar Jar Binks.

Photo Credits -

Addams Family courtesy of comicsworthreading.com