Fisher in ‘Star Wars’, Johansson is pregnant, the Snyder vs. Silver flame war and other useless info.

Media Hijinks - Digging Up the Past

Not too much going on this week in the industry, which, truth be told, is just fine by me. We’ll have plenty to look forward to once the summer approaches so it’s good to get a calm in the storm every one in a while. Therefore, don’t expect too much interesting stuff this week.

First up, it looks like Scarlet Johansson is pregnant (I warned you it was a slow week). So congratulations to her, but many are wondering how this is going to affect the filming of Avengers: Age of Ultron. They’re in the middle of filming right now, so I’m guessing that neither Joss Whedon nor Johansson will be stopping to let the other person sort things out. It will most certainly mean less stunts for Johansson, at the very least.

Next up, a stupid flame war between Zack Snyder and Joel Silver. Apparently, Silver decided to bash Snyder’s interpretation of Watchmen. He had previously been working on adapting it with Terry Gilliam and that director’s vision of the end of the movie was quite a bit different. So, naturally, Silver had to come out and talk about how much better the ending would have been in Gilliam’s hands. Of course, Snyder responded, saying that Gilliam’s ending was insane. No word yet from Gilliam himself (who is likely hiding away waiting for the whole stupid mess to blow over). You can read more of what Snyder had to say (as well as listen to him talk about more relevant things) over the The Huffington Post.

Third, a small bit of interesting news coming from the Star Wars: Episode VII camp. It looks like Carrie Fisher may have a pretty large role in the new flick, larger than first suspected. She let it slip that she’s going to be in London for six months while filming the new Star Wars. That is a lot of filming. So maybe we’re going to see a lot more of the old characters than we thought? I’d be fine with that. It would certainly make for a smoother transition.

And last, a quick rundown of some titles in development:

Zorro is getting a reboot. It is supposed to be a “dark and gritty’ version.

Some lunatics have started an IndieGoGo campaign to fund a sequel to the Shaq-Fu video game. Shaq is onboard but apparently not willing to use his own money to get it done.

The Last of Us - one of the best zombie video games ever - is steadily making its way to the big screen. Now, Sam Raimi has jumped onboard as a producer.

And Santa Claus is getting another movie, though it won’t be the happy Santa that most know. Some guys put together a script for a Santa movie based on the original Norse legend. Expect action or horror to come of this.

Until next week, don’t forget to organize your list of must-watch movies for this summer. Next summer, don’t bother though. There are too many to list come 2015.

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Snyder Watchmen courtesy of