‘Star Wars 7’ gets an Oscar winner, Harry Potter continues, DC and Marvel butt heads and ‘Explorers’ is being redone

Media Hijinks - Casting, Releases and -sigh- Another Remake

First up this week, a small bit of Star Wars: Episode VII casting. It’s still just in the rumor department, but if the sources are correct then it looks like Abrams and his pals at Disney are looking to bring on an Oscar Winner to help flesh out the cast. And that actress is none-other-than Lupita Nyong’o of 12 Years a Slave. This could be an interesting development for the movie, if she says yes. No word on what her role would be, but some people are saying she’d end up as a Sith. Pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

Harry Potter fans, there’s good news for you. J.K. Rowling has, as she promised, put together more stories set in the world of Harry Potter. This time around, it’s The History of the Quidditch World Cup and you can read the first part of it for free at pottermore.com. Don’t expect to see too many familiar faces in it, however, since Rowling’s new projects revolve more around fleshing out the world rather than continuing the already existing stories. Still, it’s something new for Potter fans to experience.

Third up, Marvel and DC/WB are butting heads again. It was previously announced that the upcoming Batman vs. Superman flick was being slotted for May 6th, 2016. But Marvel already had an unnamed project set for that day. Now, it seems as if the unnamed project has been named, and it is Captain America 3. So what’s a movie company to do? Well, DC decided the best move would be to change the date of their movie. Personally, I’d put money on Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all in one flick beating the living crap out of Captain America 3. But why take that risk? By pushing it one week ahead, DC will get bigger opening numbers as well as getting the chance to set some April records.

And finally, a slight blow to some of our childhoods. It looks like Explorers is next on the list of things to reboot. While it may be an unnecessary remake, the original flick was made on a tight budget and the ending was rushed through. So maybe we’ll see something better this time around? This is one reboot that I’d like to see more of, just in case someone has decided to try and do it right. 

Until next week, try to avoid attending any dinner parties hosted by Hannibal Lecter. You might end up as the main course.

Photo Credits -

Quidditch arena courtesy of comingsoon.com