‘Game of Thrones’ video games, ‘Batman vs. Superman’ and ‘X-Men’ expand and Disney does a terrible thing

Media Hijinks - Casting, Continuations and Chaos

Well, it’s been a pretty eventful week out there in media land.  There have been some pretty significant announcements, some which will please everyone, some that are enduring a barrage of hatred and others that are sitting on the fence awaiting judgment.  First up, a brief bit of video game news.

If you’re a fan of adventure games and haven’t heard of Telltale Games, you’re living in a dark, horrible world.  This game company is currently putting out some of the best adventure games on the market, most of them based on popular properties.  They’ve done The Walking Dead (season 1 complete with season 2 almost here), a Fables adaptation called The Wolf Among Us and now they’ll be taking on another massive franchise with Game of Thrones.  Seriously, these guys are truly amazing at what they do.  If you’re a fan of any of the properties they’ve worked on, I would recommend giving them a try ASAP.  And now Game of Thrones?  Well, if it’s as good as the last two they did, sign me up. 

Next up, there’s a couple of big Man of Steel… er, Batman vs. Superman things going on.  Most have probably heard that they officially announced the casting of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.  This cause a bit of an uproar, as Gadot doesn’t quite fit the Amazonian profile unless you were to shrink them down a foot and have them not eat for a year.  Needless to say, some are concerned about this.  Of course, beefing Gadot up is the least of our problems.  The real question is whether she can act or not.  That we won’t discover until her and the Batfleck start showing up in some trailers.  So… about six-to-nine months I’m guessing.

Another Batman vs. Superman rumor - it looks like the Internet is saying that they have two major villains planned to face off again Superman this time around.  Given that they’ve got three heroes so far, one villain might be too little.  Still, with all the characters involved thus far and more no doubt on the way, they might as well change the name of the film to Justice League and get it over with.

On a similar note, the X-films are expanding their ambitions.  Bryan Singer officially announced (well, as official as a tweet gets) that they have a new X-Men flick lined up for 2016.  X-Men: Apocalypse (as it’s currently being called) is supposed to build off what X-Men: Days of Future Past leaves us with.  If you’re familiar with either of these, you know they’re all about the back-and-forth-through-time story arcs, featuring various X-Men of various ages.  And with the X-Force film in the works as well, it would seem to fit together.  Looks like Fox is making a major power-play with this unique approach to linking their films.  Let’s hope they succeed, or the X-Men may end up with a painful reboot.

And finally, a bit of sad news (at least for me).  Disney, overlord of Star Wars and the Avengers properties, has added yet another famous name to their list of assets - Indiana Jones.  Yes, we will almost certainly see more Indiana Jones coming to the big and small screens in the near future.  This property is way too hot to not capitalize on and only the gods know how much money the magic mouse spent on the rights.  All we can do now is cry a little and pray that whatever Disney puts together will be better than Crystal Skull.

Until next week, don’t take candy from super villains.

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Indi Mickey courtesy of aintitcool.com