One of the best (sort of) zombie games ever made, hands-down

Game Review: The Last of Us

Though it could only loosely be considered a zombie game, The Last of Us contains enough of the zombie-like elements to fit it in the genre.  And as an after-the-infection, scrounging through the rubble and trying to survive type of game, it really excels.  The basic premise is that a type of fungus has infected the planet, turning the people it infects into mindless killing machines.  The player, acting as a survivor named Joel, gets stuck with the job of escorting a girl named Ellie to the headquarters of a resistance group, the Fireflies.  As it turns out, Ellie may be the key to finding a cure for the fungus.

The Last of Us takes place about 20 years after the fungus began its outbreak.  Joel lost his daughter during the first days (a short scene you get to play through) and has now become a bitter person of questionable morality.  Then again, so has most of the world.  In an effort to keep people alive, the government set up quarantine zones.  Unfortunately, these are ruled with an iron fist and many think there is a better way.  Enter the Fireflies, a resistance group that is dedicated to changing things.  Joel, while off on a mission to retrieve some guns owed to him and a partner, ends up having to take care of Ellie when her guardians die.  Then begins the player’s long journey across the wasteland that was once America.

Along the way, you’ll have to battle the fungus-zombies in various forms.  The most basic are the ones that run around and try to bite you.  There are also blind ones called clickers that are much harder to kill but, being that they are blind, you can sneak up on them easier.  Basically, the longer the infection holds onto a body, the more they mutate, with some of the later stages being truly formidable.

But fungus-zombies aren’t the only enemy.  Bandits, cannibals and more wait in the ruins of the old cities.  Even under threat of extinction, people still insist on killing each other.  So you, as the player, will have to make your way using a combination of stealth and violence.  Along the way you’ll pick up allies and people who pretend to be your allies and get to kill using a wide variety of interesting weapons.

I’m probably only about a third of the way through this game, but I have to say this has been one of the funnest gaming experiences I’ve had in a long time.  Though the world isn’t truly open, you can still explore around the linear path you’re expected to take.  Being able to approach each conflict in a variety of ways makes for good gameplay and the atmosphere of the game is dark, creepy and can sometimes feel truly dangerous.  This is a zombie game that’s more than just killing things, it’s a real horror game meant to keep you on your toes.  And the voice-acting and dialogue are brilliant, filled with little things that add humanity instead of just guiding you along the path the way most dialogue tends to do.

If you enjoy well-made horror games, check The Last of Us out.  Even if you’re not a big fan of killing zombies, it’s worth the play.  If interested, you can check out a trailer for the game and learn more about it at the official website.

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