'The Americans' gets picked up for another season
I'll say one thing: FX knows how to put out great programs. Their TV shows are distinct and certainly fresh and original. I'm hooked. Yes, I watch Justified and yes, I definitely watch Archer. Now, I can say without question that I'm definitely watching The Americans for the duration.
I've purposefully held off on posting thoughts about The Americans, because I wanted to see several episodes. The pilot episode was outstanding, particularly the action-packed opening scene, but you never know if things will go from great to horrible in a matter of a few shows. That hasn't happened, and I'm thrilled to say I've got a new staple in my weekly TV viewing.
The Americans is engaging television. The program is incredibly well crafted and intricate, giving us just enough to keep us coming back, week after week. Ratings for the pilot were strong, but the show faltered just a bit the following week, though DVR numbers remained strong. Did the ratings dip matter to FX? Apparently not, because as of now, The Americans is getting a second season.
I've been thinking a great deal about what I like so much about The Americans, and I think it's several different things, really. First: I love a great political thriller, so I'm automatically in the target audience. I also love shows that are beautifully scripted, offering rich and very complex characters. The Americans is intelligent, and not afraid to let things unfold naturally. Nothing feels rushed or forced (Dear Homeland: Take note for Season Three, please).
Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys are both excellent actors, and as Elizabeth and Phillip Jennings, husband and wife KGB agents, they have extremely strong chemistry on The Americans. This show is about much more than just the Cold War spying. It's about the complications of the Jennings' relationship and the sacrifices they've made as Russian spies living in America.
My spouse, I need to add, disagrees with my opinion of The Americans: He thinks the show is boring (in fact, he just slept through the last episode). Obviously, like so many other shows on FX, The Americans isn't for everyone, but it's worth checking out. Give it a chance, at the very least, before you decide it's not your thing.
Anyone else hooked on The Americans right now? Have you watched and found it boring?
Photo courtesy of TVRage.com