I was originally going to put raffia flowers in the "Bad Crafts" category, for a few different reasons. First, because it's a classic 60s craft and I have fond memories of the dusty, ugly, framed raffia flower pieces hanging in the living rooms of various elderly family members. And second, because raffia flowers are kind of useless. I mean, you make a flower out of raffia: congratulations! You've got yourself a raffia flower. NOW WHAT.
But as I researched this craft, I was gradually won over. My curmudgeonly heart was thawed, every so slightly, by this tutorial for creating a raffia flower bow for a present.
Now I personally push back against the trend of making the wrapping on presents pretty. The whole point of a present is the present. The wrapping is just meant to prolong the suspense, to create an opaque barrier which elicits surprise when it finally reveals the important part, which is the present itself.
I also push back against this trend of "always doing a little bit more." Because you know what? I am a busy person, and ain't nobody got time for that.
Despite this, I acknowledge that there are some overachievers out there who enjoy making the outsides of their presents pretty. And a raffia flower bow is a quick, easy, and colorful way to do so, without breaking the bank or spending hours slaving over your hot glue gun.
I also found several tutorials which extolled the virtue of colorful raffia flowers in vases. This is, I must admit, an excellent way of decorating your home without having to rely on real flowers (constantly rotting and dropping petals) or silk flowers (ugly; need constant dusting). Cute, colorful, fast, and cheerful.
I'm still putting raffia flowers in the Unusual Crafts category though. Because seriously, who looks at raffia and thinks, "I could make a flower out of that"?!
Image copyright Martha Stewart Living