I am about halfway through with my very first cross stitch project, which means that I am pretty much an expert in cross stitch. I joke, but it's true. There just isn't that much to the craft. Once you master about ten simple principles, you are set. Case closed. You have learned all there is to learn about cross stitch.
However, I just can't bring myself to care about keeping the back tidy.
"Keep the back as tidy as the front" is one of those maxims of the craft that will drive you mad. Everyone seems to believe it, but no one can really explain why. I can see the sense of it for projects where people will actually see the back, like tote bags or t-shirts with cross stitch embellishments. But most cross stitch projects are going to be framed and hung on the wall. Who will ever notice? And therefore, who will care?
Aesthetically, it is true that a tidy back to a cross stitch project is a kind of art in and of itself. Check out the back of this "Ohm sweet ohm" cross stitch project over at LadyAda.net! Looks pretty sweet, doesn't it?
The back of my own cross stitch project looks more like a rat's nest. But you wouldn't even know that if I hadn't told you, because once again - I feel this bears repeating - no one will see it!
Seriously though, I tip my hat to those of you who labor to keep the back of your cross stitch projects tidy. You crazy mad crafters, you!
For those of you who need help keeping your backs tidy, the best suggestions I have found are to use the loop method for starting a length of thread, and to always weave the ends under the same color (not adjacent different colors). And good luck!
Image courtesy Flickr/squeezeomatic