Netflix's latest offering, the original series Orange is the New Black, takes place in a women's prison. And just like in real life women's prisons, the characters on the show often engage in making crafts - both on-screen and off.
What most caught my eye, as a knitter, was all the crocheting going on. Evidently the powers that be have decided that knitting needles are dangerous, but crochet hooks are not. (I dispute this theory, because I feel like I could definitely kill someone with a crochet hook, but I don't want to ruin it for the prisoners by making that case too strongly.)
As we all know, Martha Stewart famously crocheted her way through her own prison time, emerging from the slammer with a crocheted poncho. The inmates on Orange is the New Black also engage in crochet. There are several scenes in the common room where women are crocheting. They seem to be doing so inexpertly and inattentively, but I imagine this is pretty much on target.
There is also evidence of more large-scale, skilled crochet projects happening. In particular I'm thinking of Miss Claudette's crocheted afghan. Was it made by Miss Claudette, or another prisoner, or was it sent to her as a gift from the outside? Unknown.
The women participate in other crafts, as well. Someone has embroidered "Big Red" in red embroidery floss on Big Red's chef's jacket. (Are embroidery needles allowed in prison?) And I loved watching the women making Christmas decorations out of green and red construction paper chains.
One problem with prison is that supplies are limited. You have to be resourceful, whether you are making a pair of shower shoes out of maxi pads or using toilet paper to decorate a window for a going away party. Just one more thing to hate about prison: you can't take your hoard of crafting supplies in with you!
Image copyright Orange is the New Black/Netflix