I've realized that I have quite a few tips on saving that don't necessarily need their own individual post. Some are just pieces of wisdom picked up from family members, other things I've read while perusing frugal forums and blogs. By the way, check out the Simple Saving blogroll here on Klat for some awesome frugal advice blogs. Here are my savings tidbits, in no particular order:
- Avoid convenience stores. I used to work right beside one and it was nothing to spend $3-$5 on snacks and drinks because it was so, well, convenient! Bringing your snacks and drinks from home is much more affordable.
- Hang your clothes to dry. This is a huge money saver because not only will you save on drying costs (one of the most energy-sucking appliances in the home), but you'll save wear and tear on your clothes, too.
- Stop wasting food. It's easy to let those leftovers languish, untouched in the refrigerator, but it can be quite costly over the course of a year. Use leftover meats and vegetables in soups, stews, and salads over the next few days. If you know you won't eat the leftovers within a day or two, just portion them out and put them in the freezer. In a week or two, you'll be glad to have a quick meal on hand that you can just pop in the microwave.
- Give up paper towels. Seriously, why are those things so darn expensive these days? Not only are they pricy, they create needless waste in the environment. Opt for reusable rags or make them yourself from old clothes. You'll save money and landfill space.
- Keep old tissue boxes to store plastic bags in. Of course, it's better to use cloth shopping bags, but most of us forget them occasionally. If you find yourself with a bunch of plastic bags, try to minimize the environmental impact by reusing them. A tissue box is a great container for keeping all those bags tidy. This one isn't as much of a money-saving tip as it is a space-saving tip. It's still useful, though.
What are your favorite money saving tips? Leave them in the comments, and I'll feature them in an upcoming blog post.
Photo courtesy Erich Ferdinand, via Flickr.
Read more on The Savings tidbits blog: