In the WTF news event of the week, three men get kicked out of the country for being a threat to women’s morals.

Saudi Arabia deporting people for being too sexy

When I saw this news article roll up on my screen as I was doing a bit of research, I seriously thought that Google news was trying to troll me.  But, from the look of things, it appears to be true. Apparently, three men were deported from the country of Saudi Arabia last week for being too handsome.

The incident took place at the Jenadrivah Heritage and Culture Festival and, as the story goes, was the result of a decision by the country’s religious police, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices. The very fact that there is such a government agency is almost amusing in itself, though definitely not so funny if you happen to live in Saudi Arabia.

They surmised, in their typically conservative way, that the three men in question were just so sexy that the ladies would go crazy over them.  Thus, immoral acts would inevitably ensue as these ladies lost control of their own senses and became corrupted under the influence of the powerful wave of handsome that the men radiated. Coincidentally, all three of these men came from the United Arab Emirates. I guess that country just happens to have a higher ratio of lookers than Saudi Arabia does? Or maybe all the good looking ones are kept in some sort of internment camp?

What makes it more amusing is that although the decision caused a bit of a stir, most of the concerns were not about the fact that the men had been deported for this silly reason. Nope, most of the hubbub revolved around the fact that the identity of the three sexy dudes was not released to the public. No names, no photos, nothing. So people have been having to guess who these handsome men were.

Currently, the identities are just speculation and guesswork, but one individual, a poet/actor/photographer hailing from Dubai by the name of Omar Borkan Al Gala has been posting mysterious comments on his Facebook page (which you can peruse here) alluding to his involvement in the ordeal.  There’s no question that the guy is good looking, but it’s just as likely he’s trying to drum up speculation and place himself as one of the three men just too sexy for an entire country.

Though it may seem too ridiculous to be true, the news is making the rounds. And who knows? They may even figure out who these three men are eventually.

Omar Borkan Al Gala photo courtesy of