Plus video game culture, curriculum deals and some fun parenting quotes.

What’s Happening Wednesday: Student loan news and writing for Uncollege

Here are a few items of interests for this week.

“Equality over excellence” is a huge component of Finland’s education system that Americans are pretty much ignoring when we try to implement anything from the country’s policies into our own ideas about education.

This article includes just a few other drawbacks to the student loan business—including the need to take on two jobs to pay off loans and miss out on purchasing a home due to student loan debt.

Uncollege is seeking feedback, bloggers and participants for their survey. If you have any ideas to share with the Uncollege team or want to blog for them, email

Anita Sarkeesian’s big series on women’s representation in video games has finally launched! I’m a huge fan of Sarkeesian, a researcher and social commentator who has unfortunately violently harassed just because she examines the way women are treated in comics, video games and other aspects of pop culture. Her first video, Damsels in Distress: Tropes Versus Women, is incredibly interesting, and if you have an older teen interested in studying video games, it could be a valuable piece of research. If not, it’s still a great video for parents to watch, and it’s already had over 1 million hits on YouTube.

Curriclick is offering a deal on a huge bundle of insect learning pages. For $1 you get 290 pages of activities to use to learn about insects like the goliath beetle, dragonfly, mosquito and more. It’s a great deal for fledgling entomologists.

And here’s a sweet photo reminder of who the most important people in our lives are. It’s shared from Little Hearts Books; feel free to share it on your Facebook wall or to print it out. The quote reads, “I’m listening. Speak kindly. I’m watching. Act intentionally. I’m learning. Live wisely. I am the future.”

Here’s another lovely quote from The Natural Parent Magazine.

Photo courtesy of Sara S.