What’s Happening Wednesday: No need for tummy time?
Have you heard about this? Babies who spend time being “worn” by their parents may not need tummy time. Boy, I wish I had known this; I worked wearing my kiddo for a long time and then fought her to give her tummy time daily!
Ever wonder about the reasons why your children (and you!) should do yoga? Here are some benefits to consider. And here’s a great place to begin with kids!
Feel free to roll your eyes with me when you read about this preschool that is banning superheroes.
Need some help modeling healthy boundaries? I know I do. Modeling is much more work than “discipline,” but boy, does it work much better.
I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but apparently processed meats—including your favorite cold cuts—have been declared too dangerous for human consumption! I guess this is no surprise, but my kiddo—who alternates from being a vegetarian and back—is in a salami phase right now, so you can bet that I’m not happy about it.
Is there going to be a robot takeover? Dude, I don’t think so, but it’s something to think about! My daughter’s pretty interested in this topic. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her about the “takeover” part…
Is unsolicited evaluation the enemy of creativity? I say yes, emphatically, myself! What do you think? Just think about the last time you wanted to make something and someone else’s remarks deadened your passion. It may have even scared you away from the subject entirely; this happened to me over and over again in high school.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia