What’s Happening: Summer camp registration
It’s that time again: summer camp registration time! In previous years, I’ve signed Wood Sprite up for select one-day camps that were quite brief according to her interest. We’ve tried day horse camps, science camps and other opportunities. This year, she is eight years old and ready for a little more, so we are really looking into more half-day camps for her to enjoy. My family doesn’t use camps as babysitting, but I do confess that my husband and I are looking forward to a few hours of alone time a couple days a week, especially since he works the night shift again and we’re not seeing each other as much as we usually do.
One cool find that I’d like to share is Bounce U camp. One of our local branches has both art and science camps, and they are so flexible. You can go for the week (three days) or one day at a time, which really works well with our lifestyle. Prices are very reasonable but do not include food, so keep that in mind. In fact, it looks like a lot of camps are not providing meals, which I like because you can send things your kids actually like (or can eat, if they have allergies) and reap the savings in the ultimate cost.
Some other sources to check out for good local summer camps include your recreation center, library, YMCA and any local gyms, dance studios, art studios and martial arts centers nearby. Larger venues, like museums, zoos, farms and similar locations, also often offer summer programs. Lots of communities even have a camp fair, so call these locations and find out about any previews you can attend to decide which camp is right for you.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia