Weekly Medley: The dangerous art of doing nothing
I cannot tell you enough how I love this post by Wendy Priesnitz about the value of doing nothing. How true is it? None of us seem to be able to just BE, to just sit in silence or daydream without feeling guilty about it. The act of doing nothing is actually pretty subversive in our culture—and a natural part of being human in different cultures. Isn’t that mind blowing?
This post at Se7en about losing babies just touched my heart. We had two lost pregnancies in 2013, one that I was extremely excited about and preparing for, the second I tried to hold off on even taking tests until I was further along. Someone very close to me also lost two pregnancies within a few months. This alone has made me want to push everyone away from me, yet I really needed support and had no idea how to go about it. According to this post doing anything is better than nothing, and I think that’s the best takeaway here.
This post at Little Heart Books is a must-read. We think of attachment parenting as parenting for ages 0-6, but there’s so much more for our older children. How do you manage two thousand touch points a day?
A Beautiful Mess is featuring a blog with 10 tips for a productive life. Some of these are pretty basic and I honestly think that we are TOO productive as a general rule (see link #1 above!), but they might come in handy. I like to get things done as early as possible when I can, too—but the writer in me tends to procrastinate or overestimate what she can do…!
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