Plus A Mighty Girl volunteering, Carnival of Atheist Parenting & more

Weekly Medley: Being childlike

Tiny Buddha has a wonderful piece up about being childlike today, with 33 suggestions. I was so excited to see that I had already done several of these prior to reading the article as part of my normal day! Wood Sprite lost the tiny piece inside her locket hinge that keeps it together, so I used a pin and bent it into place. We also read some of our favorite childhood books, acted silly (according to Indy, we do that all of the time), played with stickers and Legos, and had a pretty stellar day. How did yours go?

My friend Karen has another round of Carnival of Atheist Parenting in the works! Make sure you check it out, and if you have a blog post to submit be sure to send it over. I am loving her new blog title, “My Own Mind.”

Speaking of atheism… There’s a church in Kentucky giving out free guns to help people “discover Jesus.”

A new report indicates that women are in danger because scientists are only studying the effects of disease treatments on males. This is occurring at all stages of research in all forms, from doctor’s offices to labs and everywhere in between. Reassuring, right?

A Mighty Girl is looking for volunteers to help spread the word via social media. Social media is not my favorite aspect of writing so I won’t be volunteering right now, but it’s a great way to help raise awareness and learn more about mighty girl resources.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia