Weekend Fun: Salvador Dali art

Make some Salvador Dali surrealism art with magazines using this fun idea from Artolazzi.
Here are some cute Valentine’s Day Sudoku puzzles you can print out and share courtesy of Homeschool Creations.
Make a lovely cherry blossom painting with this idea from Homeschool Creations.
Organizing your craft room this weekend? Here are a bunch of fun ideas to use while you organize it courtesy of Dollar Store Crafts. Also from Dollar Store Crafts this week: a valentine wreath, confetti sticks (Wood Sprite made one for her grandfather, who had surgery this week), homemade valentines that make a difference, and stained glass glue hearts.
Having some winter blues? Grab a gym and teach the kids all of the things you used to do at recess, from freeze tag to crab walking. Our rec center charges $25 to rent the gym, but if you go in with other families you can make it cheap. Or you can see if your church or community center will let you use a room for free or a nominal charge.
Create winter tree silhouette art for this week’s Handbook of Nature Outdoor Hour Challenge.
Dress up and act out a scene from your favorite book or movie this week. Wood Sprite has been dressing up as Red from Once Upon a Time with her red hoodie (and I was Granny, complete with crossbow) as well as Luke Skywalker in her taekwondo uniform and light saber!
Check out these adorable mini soup can valentines you can make from Filth Wizardry.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia