Here are a few things happening this week.

Week Mashup: Amanda Bynes, Marissa Mayer & More

Just a few weeks ago I was talking about how much I like Amanda Bynes as an actress and potential role model for my daughter. Her films are clean and funny, she’s never gone off the deep end—oh, wait. Just these last couple of weeks, she’s been raising hell online with strange comments and photos of herself, and was even arrested at one point. Apparently she’s now confessing it’s all for attention. Oy. She’s an adult and she can do what she wants, but I wonder if we’ll ever had a girl grow up in Hollywood and not feel the need to make a “hot mess,” as this article calls her, for a attention?

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer just banned working from home for all of her employees—after she installed a new nursery in her office just for her own use. How about giving all of your employees the same “benefits” that you have, Marissa?

When you decide to discuss homelessness with your children, consider using this photo gallery. It depicts the many faces of homelessness rather than displaying a standard stereotype.

Did you hear about the kindergarten teacher who handled a six year old “bully” by having all the kids in class line up to hit said child? Wow. I can’t even imagine what all of those kids took home from that experience.

There’s talk of banning bottle feeding in Venezuela, which is just bull. I love the sentiment, but you need to encourage moms to breastfeed—not penalize them or bully them into it—and some mothers just cannot produce enough milk to feed their babies. I have known plenty of them and was one myself.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia