Wood Sprite and I have been reading through our Valentine’s Day holiday collection of books, and for the first time she is asking to actually get rid of some books. I’m not surprised; she is eight now and moving toward chapter books instead of picture books these days.
She was not impressed with Arthur’s Valentine this year. She felt like Arthur was cruel in telling his secret admirer that he would kiss her when he actually left her with chocolate kisses instead. She is right, too. It’s not the best Valentine’s Day book! That one is going to the donation pile. She’s never been an Arthur fan like I was growing up anyway.
Along with it is Valentine Mice. As cute as the story is, Wood Sprite found it dull and “babyish” for the first time after we’ve been reading it together nearly every year. It’s not my favorite, so I’m okay with getting rid of it. We actually have several other holiday books about these mice, so I’m wondering if she’s going to want to ditch those, too.
Two books that she really wants to keep make me smile just thinking about them. Both I Will Kiss You Lots and Lots and No Matter What have the same theme: reassuring a child that her mother still loves her even when she is upset, angry, tired, or feeling any other way. It’s really a concept that we need to make sure our children know anyway, but when it’s illustrated like this it’s really cute and fun to read, too.
Are you enjoying any Valentine’s Day books together this week? Which ones do you like best?
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia