The Unschool Blog Carnival is live!
Today the latest edition of the Unschooling Blog Carnival is live, and I’m so excited to be a part of it. My article about how I personally know that unschooling works is included. There’s enough reading here for days (plus videos and other resources) so be sure to check it out!
I dropped the ball on Take Action Tuesday yesterday. I was working on a tight deadline on top of my daughter’s art show, gymnastics class, a missing cat and a dental issue! I’m still working on the deadline today and we have Scouts, but I wanted to drop a few links your way in case you’d like to take action.
You can learn about gray wolf protection and help support them at this link.
This early childhood childcare incentive program sounds like it could be beneficial to working families—though I’d much rather see more options for working families, including some kind of compensation for a parent to remain at home with children rather than having to pay someone else to do it. If you support the initiative, you can visit the link.
Millions of cans of Bumblebee tuna have been recalled due to spoilage. Be sure to visit the link to see if you need to throw any out.
It deeply saddens me that we still have things like human trafficking, sweatshops and other human rights violations in 2013. 300 workers were recently killed in such a workshop in Dhaka, prompting me—and hopefully many others—to continue to demand better work standards for people all over the globe, as well as to not buy clothing from sources that are known to keep workers in these conditions in the first place.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.