Sometimes you just need a break
Throughout the fall and winter, my family had a small mini-break scheduled at a local hotel. Wood Sprite had never been to a hotel before, so we decided to just go for couple of days in the middle of the week when Indy was off. We’ve never had a family vacation and neither of us has taken vacation time since 2008, so we were long overdue.
But from financial worries to a death in the family, we just kept finding excuses to not go to the hotel. Since I used an eSaver rate, I couldn’t cancel or it would cost us a fee—so we just kept moving the date farther and farther out. Finally, this past week, we decided we had to use the reservation (mostly because Indy is starting a new job with a different schedule).
Boy am I glad we did.
Yes, we diverted money that should have gone to something else, but it wasn’t an astronomical amount, as if we’d gone on vacation out of state and traveled. And the rate included evening food, snacks, beverages and breakfast, so we didn’t have to buy food to bring with us either. And let me tell you, it was amazing.
We played games, relaxed and hung out as a family. We watched movies, swam and laughed a lot. It was the most fun we’ve had all year so far and we’ve decided that if we can’t travel like we want to, we can at least do this every few months just as a little break. Without my laptop, I might have gotten behind, but I also got to focus on my family the whole time. Wood Sprite was thrilled to not have to compete for attention, which she should not have to do in the first place.
If you’ve never had a break or it’s been a long time since you’ve had a family vacation together, what’s stopping you? You’ll always be waiting for that perfect moment and like everything else in life, the perfect moment will never arrive without your help.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia