What are your favorites for summer?

Snacks on the go

Summertime means park days, which means lots of portable snacks. Kids get hungrier as they play at the playground or the pool, and it’s good to have plenty of fuel to keep them going. Here are some of our favorites; feel free to add yours in the comment space below.

Go Go Squeeze Apple Sauce: Wood Sprite just got hooked onto this recently and she loves the stuff. I love that it doesn’t have to be refrigerated. I did, however, just discover that you can buy your own ready-made squeeze containers and fill them with your own pureed fruit and vegetables, so that’s a much healthier, cheaper option that’s also better on the planet. Wood Sprite likes hers plain, but you can add all kinds of things to make flavored fruit (berries, honey and so forth).

Plain ol’ fruit: We usually bring bananas, but sometimes we’ll also bring apples or berries—whatever we have at home.

Granola: It keeps and it gives her instant energy! She likes her granola with chocolate chips (or as bars), and I like mine with dried fruit. We also bring dried fruit sometimes but she doesn’t usually go for it.

Pretzels: More carbs for Wood Sprite to keep her energy levels going! Sometimes she’ll opt for bunny cheese crackers (Annie’s, I think?) or I’ll just bring peanut butter and crackers to spread at the park. If we are staying for a good three or four hours (my mom can’t believe we do that—but we usually stay for at least two hours minimum if not longer) I’ll also pack bread or make peanut butter sandwiches beforehand.

Don’t forget to bring a towel and/or washcloth and plenty of water to stay hydrated!

Photo courtesy of Sara S.