Plus fun quotes, gendered toys and more

Saturday Reads: Yelling is as bad as hitting

Have you heard that yelling has been proven to be as damaging as hitting, especially in teens? I think that one day we’ll look at spanking like we look at abusing your wife, which used to be legal—and then we’ll look at yelling like spanking.

For today’s quote, consider Lao Tzu: “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” How does this pertain to your life lately?

We need to stop focusing on the parsley! Do you brag about your child’s achievements as if they are your own?

A new AIDS vaccine has been tested without any adverse effects so far. So far, so good!

If you think the Paleo Diet is going to solve all of your woes, you might want to make sure you’re including some balance in your diet and activities: Researchers have now discovered heart disease present in mummies. So this ancient diet may be healthful in some ways, but it’s not a surefire way to avoid health problems.

Apparently kids are doing fewer drugs today than in the past, while people over 50 are doing more drugs. I believe it! Most people that I know are taking something. In fact, most of them don’t even seem to care about lifestyle changes, stress management or any other ways to solve problems. Every time I bring up an issue, I’m told to “ask my doctor about x or y medicine.” I’ve learned to keep my issues to my journal. I'm not saying that nobody needs medicine, of course; just that it's not the answer to everything.

Toys R Us in the UK has agreed to stop labeling toys as “girls” or “boys” toys, which is fantastic! I really hope this means that the United States stores will do the same thing.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia